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Build a Spiritual Toolbelt” Bible Study—January 25th
A 7 week women’s bible study will continue on Wednesday, January 25th in the Fellowship Hall.  It will be led by Melissa Lamb and Bev Howard.  More information can be found at the Connection Center.

Nursery Volunteer Meeting—January 26th
There will be a meeting for both current nursery volunteers and for those interested in volunteering to minister to little ones and their parents.  Keep this date in mind.   More information to come.  If you have questions see Pastor David.

CR Sunday—January 29th
Celebrate Recovery will be leading the morning Worship Service on Sunday, January 29th.  This is a time to learn about this ministry and encourage those who participate.

FBC Business Meeting—January 29th
Our first Business Meeting of the year will be on Sunday,
January 29th following the Worship Service.  We will have lunch
before the business meeting.   More details to come.
New Membership Class—February 19th
Pastor Phillip will host a New Membership Class in the Fellowship Hall following worship on Sunday 19th.  Lunch will be provided! If you’re interested in joining FBC’s mission as a member or just want to know more about the church, come join us! Please let 
Pastor Phillip know if you plan on attending.

Missed a Service?
You can rewatch last weeks’ services and more on Youtube by clicking this link.

Want to Listen to a Sermon from your Phone?
Check out our sermon podcasts by clicking the following link or looking us up on Google Podcasts or Spotify.

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